adb ძირითადი ბრძანებები

მობაილ მოწყობილებებთან მუშაობის დროს არც ისე იშვიათად ხდება საჭირო რომ გამოვიყენოთ adb ბრძანებები რაც ხშირად უფრო გვიმარტივებს  ურთიერთობას მობაილ მოწყობილობებთან: ქვემოთ მოცემული შაბლონურად დალაგებული adb კოდები:


List of ADB Shell Commands

Common Commands

ADB (Android Debug Bridge) shell commands allow you to interact with your Android device’s operating system. Here are some of the most commonly used ADB shell commands:

1. Device Information

            adb devices                     // List connected devices
            adb connect          // Connect to a device over TCP/IP
            adb forward      // Forward a socket connection between the device and the host
            adb shell getprop               // Get device properties
            adb shell dumpsys               // Print system service information

2. File Operations

            adb push         // Copy a file or directory from your computer to the device
            adb pull         // Copy a file or directory from the device to your computer
            adb shell ls                    // List files and directories on the device
            adb shell rm              // Remove a file from the device
            adb shell mkdir      // Create a directory on the device

3. App Management

            adb install        // Install an APK on the device
            adb uninstall     // Uninstall an app from the device
            adb shell pm list packages      // List installed packages
            adb shell am start <package/activity>   // Launch an app
            adb shell am force-stop  // Force-stop an app

4. Logcat

            adb logcat                      // Print system logs
            adb logcat -s              // Filter logs by tag
            adb logcat -f             // Write logs to a file
            adb shell dumpsys battery       // Print battery information

5. Other Useful Commands

            adb kill-server                 // Kill the ADB server
            adb screenshot        // Capture a screenshot and save it to a file
            adb shell cd         // Change the current directory on the device
            adb shell cp   // Copy files on the device
            adb shell dumpstate             // Generate a system dump
            adb shell ip                    // Display network interfaces
            adb shell netcfg                // Network configuration information
            adb shell netstat               // Network connections information
            adb shell ping      // Ping a specific IP address
            adb shell ps                    // List running processes
            adb shell pwd                   // Print the current working directory
            adb shell screenrecord  // Record the device screen
            adb shell setprop   // Set a system property
            adb shell top                   // Display CPU usage
            adb shell touch       // Create a new file
            adb sideload          // Sideload a package from your computer
            adb usb                         // Restart ADB in USB mode

Additional Examples

1. Device Information

            adb shell getprop ro.product.model   // Get the device model
            adb shell getprop   // Get the device SDK version

2. File Operations

            adb shell cat             // Display the contents of a file
            adb shell mv     // Move or rename a file
            adb shell chmod   // Change file permissions

3. App Management

            adb shell pm clear    // Clear an app's data
            adb shell am force-stop  // Force-stop an app
            adb shell am start -a  -n <package/activity> // Start an app with a specific action

4. Logcat

            adb logcat -b events            // Print event logs
            adb logcat -d -s "TAG1" "TAG2"  // Print and clear logs filtered by multiple tags

5. Other Useful Commands

            adb shell wm size               // Get the device's screen size
            adb shell input keyevent    // Simulate key presses
            adb shell monkey -p  -c    // Generate random user events for testing

These are just a few additional examples to expand your knowledge of ADB shell commands. Experimenting with these commands can help you gain more control and insight into your Android device.

Remember to use these commands with caution, as they can directly affect your device’s system. Always double-check the command syntax and its potential impact before executing.

Feel free to explore and experiment with ADB shell commands to discover even more possibilities!


კომენტარის დატოვება

თქვენი ელფოსტის მისამართი გამოქვეყნებული არ იყო. აუცილებელი ველები მონიშნულია *